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Dua Puluh Enam Disember 2008...
Bagaimana untuk merawat hati yang terluka??? Setiap hati yang terluka itu pasti mempunyai penyebabnya kepada kelukaan itu dan ia datang dalam pelbagai bentuk dan boleh berlaku pada bila-bila masa sahaja, di mana-mana sahaja dan oleh sesiapa-sesiapa sahaja. Persoalannya sekarang bagaimana kita hendak merawat hati kita sendiri bila terluka??? Bila mana waktu itu kita tidak berhasrat untuk meluahkan kelukaan itu kepada sesiapa. Di bawah ini ada beberapa saranan DIY (Do-It-Yourself).
Langkah Pertama
Kelukaan pasti mengundang airmata. Maka menangislah sepuas-puasnya. Pastikan kita menangis seorang diri. Ia akan memberi kita kelegaan. Ketika menangis, dapat dirasakan hati kita bagai dihiris-hiris. Perasaan yang lahir waktu itu sebenarnya adalah darah yang mengalir di hati kita.
Langkah Kedua
Di waktu kita menangis itu bacalah sebanyak-banyaknya kalimah "Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun" dan "Lahaulawalakuwataillabillah". Di saat hati kita terluka dek kerana perbuatan manusia, maka kita menyerahkan hati kita yang terluka itu kepada Allah s.w.t. untuk merawatnya.
Langkah Ketiga
Lakukanlah solat taubat dan solat syukur. Ya, mungkin tanpa sedar kita juga ada melukai hati orang lain kerana itu Allah memberi izin hati kita dilukai supaya kita dapat merasakan apa yang orang lain rasa. Dalam masa yang sama kita tetap bersyukur walaupun hati kita dilukai.
Langkah Keempat
Tidur dapat membantu kita untuk memberi kelegaan. Tidur pasti nyenyak bilamana langkah pertama, kedua dan ketiga sudah dilakukan.
Langkah Kelima
Selepas bangun tidur, bercakaplah dengan orang yang membuat hati kita terluka secara terbuka. Diperingkat ini marah kita sudah reda dan Allah sudah pun merawat hati kita yang luka itu di dalam waktu tidur kita tadi.
Setiap apa pun yang berlaku, sama ada yang baik atau yang buruk, kesemuanya pasti datang silih berganti dalam hidup kita. Di waktu kita diuji dengan kekecewaan, di waktu itu lah kita dapat merasakan yang Allah itu benar-benar berbicara dengan kita. Hanya Allah sahaja yang boleh merawat hati manusia. Bila kita redha menerima ujian-Nya walau hanya sebesar zarah, pasti Allah akan memberi hadiah atas kesabaran kita. Kadang-kadang Allah mengirim hadiah untuk kita dengan begitu cepat sekali. Subhanallah!
Dua Puluh Tujuh Disember 2008...
Pagi ini adalah suatu pagi yang sangat ceria. Seceria burung-burung yang menyanyi dan ayam-ayam yang berkokok. Dan hari ini Allah sudah pun mengirimkan hadiah-Nya kepadaku... Tidak sabar untuk melihatnya... (",)
Image taken from corbis.com
Erk... Ang masih marah lagi ka?
Btw, lawa pink color tue. *pitam*
nice post..
sometimes if kte berterus terang
kita yg sakit BUT sometimes
if kte xberterus terang.. MYB org lain yg skit..
but for me JUST be urself..
insyallah.. everything will be alright..
Budaksetan - Apology was accepted but I will never forget the nite when he just walked away. I was freezing there looking at him until he lost in the darkness. People can either forgive or forget. It's very rare where people can forgive and forget..
But i think it's true when people say "A hungry man is an angry man".. and I realised my mistake as well. I failed to arrange the time properly. At least I know better not to let his stomach empty next time. I take note on that ;p
Pink??? Mmmg lawa pun. No doubt i luv seeing guys in pink shirt too. They look sweet and cute.. One of them is my General manager ;p
AD - Thx dear. To be frank, I was hurt that nite and this entry came from my wounded heart. It works for me so far to ease the pain inside..
I do believe that honesty is the best policy even it's gonna hurt both parties in any ways. At least we know the true colors of the person and ourselves as well..
confuse jap. post in malay comment in english. how should i comment then?
since your comment is in english guess its ok for me to comment in english as well.
to me. love hurt. its hard to predict who will break your heart. someone could be sweet and at the same time breaking your tender heart into pieces just in a blink. no one knows. no one can guarantee... anything.
heartbroken is hard to mend. even tho you manage to mend, make it looks good but the fact is the scar is still there. it can easily broken again whenever a single scratch comes.
sometimes people are tend to not to think about love. they try to deny that love is important and one of the success key for a stool. you know, a stool can't stand with less than 4 legs which should be wealth, health, faith and love. but if love is hard to find (yea right, love is in the air?) and love for most of the time breaking our heart, why seek for one?
sometimes, i'm confused whether true love even exist?
I will always put that in my mind. Thanx anyway....
Btw, where are u now? I could not reach your phone...
Erk... Or u still mad at me? Did i do anything again?
Yes ive been there done that. It was hard but then it makes u stronger, in a none cynical way. it really works!
Faisal - Well, this is actually a friendship but I don't know why I get overly hurt..
Talking about love generally, love is a painful process indeed. It’s sometimes hard and difficult to love somebody and it kills you inside. Do not fall in love unless u want to be hurt!!! But I cannot deny that love is a wonderful thing...
True Love??? I presume if we watch hindustani movies like Rab Ne Nana De Jodi *which I recently watched twice hehehe*, they could influence us to believe that true love does exist. But they are all fantasies and we live in a reality.
Very simple Faisal, true love exists if you believe that it exists ;p
Idza - Sabar ajer la yg tinggal lagi.. dan my fren tu pun byk bersabar jugak dgn my attitude yg slalu overly sensitive nih, slalu unable to be punctual and slalu sesat jalan ;p
Dasetan - I'm still around. I spent the first 4 wonderful days of 2009 with my sweet niece. 96 hours of my precious times were solely hers.
Off phone??? I guess speech is silver and silence is golden at the moment...
"Off phone??? I guess speech is silver and silence is golden at the moment..."
Erk.... Did I say or do anything wrong? I really dont understand...
Ted - Yeah, it works for both of us but i guess i might take extra times to reconcile ;p
Okaylah. I give up. I tried to call your phone millions of times, yet it is still off. Called your house phone, no one picked up.
If being silent is what you want at the moment, be it. I respect your call, your decision. Hope everything is fine there.
Once you done with your hibernation *matilah aku* you know how to reach me rite.
I pray for your safety and happiness at this particular moment. May Allah bless you, our Muslim brothers and sisters in Ghazzah, always.
Note: Life is too short. Dont spend too much on being sad. Many things can be explored. Reading is one of them.
Dasetan - I'm just happy being in silence at the moment and just taking care of myself and Zara.. That's all...
Dasetan - I think this time around my hibernation would take the whole year of 2009. FYI, sadness is not the only solid reasons. Just wanna gain back things that I neglected last year..
"I think this time around my hibernation would take the whole year of 2009."
So the whole 2009 you will be silent from me? Is it?
Silent from everyone.
Silent from everyone?? Erk... Are you serious??
Haih... What actually made you to reach such decision? Honestly if I did something that hurt you badly, I am extremely sorry. But please I beg you, don't leave me... Just don't leave me....
I neglected myself before. I just wanna take care of myself a bit, before I can take care of others..
I don't leave you at all. Phone is not the one and only medium of our communications. We have e-mails (both personal and official), friendster, YM n blog to communicate to each other..
I just feel comfortable to lessen my verbal communication with anyone at the moment..
Your life will go on with or without me.. I wish you all the best and May Allah give you His best blessings..
"Your life will go on with or without me.."
Hey you are my sister. How can my life will go on without you?? Haih....
If you wanna hate me because of this, yeah be my guest..
Do you think that it's appropriate for us to talk about it publicly???
I do respect my blog readers as well as your goodself..
E-mail perhaps???
Pekehei nye aku nak hate ang just because of this. The only thing is I didnt understand, tue jer...
*confuse, pitam, windu*
A few things are difficult to be understood and why u wanna crash your head thinking about that??
It's very simple, adik. people could change as the time changes.
i once believe in true love but not anymore. the page in the dictionary for true love has been torn apart. i guess its too late?
good post. i learnt a few things from this. thanks. keep it up~!!
Faisal - I pray that someday you'll find your true love. Ameen...
Hanna - U're welcome my dear. It just a plain entry...
Hi - I am definitely delighted to discover this. Good job!
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